New value of trees to the world
Tsukuba Research Institute consists of a total of 7 groups,
namely Planning Group and Administration Group, which are in
charge of research planning and general affairs, and the
research groups of Resources, Materials, and Housing &
Architecture 1/2/3 Group.
Even in the midst of dizzying changes in society and the living environment, we will not be bound by existing concepts,
and from a medium- to long-term perspective, we will create unprecedented ways to use wood and increase its added value.
We will work together to tackle new research and development themes in order to contribute to society and people's lives and to contribute to a rich global environment.
Even in the midst of dizzying changes in society and the living environment, we will not be bound by existing concepts,
and from a medium- to long-term perspective, we will create unprecedented ways to use wood and increase its added value.
We will work together to tackle new research and development themes in order to contribute to society and people's lives and to contribute to a rich global environment.
ADMINISTRATION GROUPR&D infrastructure management
Support to stimulate and facilitate R&D activities - RESOURCES GROUPR&D of biotechnology for breeding, propagation and afforestation.
Visualization of the value of forests - MATERIALS GROUPEnhancing the strength and durability of wooden materials
Improving the performance of wood-based boards
1 GROUPResearch and development of a wide range of timber engineering (mainly structure, fire resistance, and acoustics) - HOUSING&
2 GROUPLiving environment with the power of nature
Evaluation of effects of wood and greenery for comfort and health - HOUSING&
3 GROUPRationalizing construction (improving components, methods and operations)
Various quality inspection for higher-quality wooden buildings

TechnoPark Toyosato, 3-2, Midorigahara, Tsukuba City,
Ibaraki, 300-2646, Japan
Google Maps
Access information
Access information Using the Tsukuba Express Line:
- Using the Tsukuba Express Line:
- 45 minutes from Akihabara terminal to Tsukuba terminal on the rapid train, then 25 minutes by taxi
- 49 minutes from Akihabara terminal to Kenkyū-gakuen station on the semi-rapid train, then 22 minutes by bus from the north exit of the station to Techno Park Toyosato Chuo, then 8 minutes on foot
By car:
- About 30 minutes from the Joban Expressway Yatabe IC