The Sumitomo Forestry Group originated in the Sumitomo family’s commencement in 1691 of the Besshi Copper Mine in present-day Niihama, Ehime Prefecture, and the harvesting of timber in surrounding forestlands to serve as fuel for smelting, and for use as tunnel support posts. We have been carrying out businesses utilizing timber―a renewable resource―in activities such as large–scale forestation to restore the forests damaged by smoke pollution and excessive logging, an issue arising from the growth of the Besshi Copper Mine in the Meiji period.
The root of our Group’s corporate philosophy is Sumitomo's Business Spirit, which places prime importance on fairness and integrity for the good of society. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our Group strongly recognizes the weight of our responsibilities to society, and the importance of conducting sustainable management over the long-term.
Since our founding, the Sumitomo Forestry Group has undertaken many businesses based on the needs of the times, expanding our business scope into businesses such as forestry, manufacturing and distribution of timber and building materials, housing both in Japan and overseas, and biomass power generation. In recent years, we have also been promoting our business for medium- and large-scale wooden construction toward realizing the concept of “Environmentally-Friendly and Timber-Utilizing Cities” that changes cities into forests.
Going forward, the Sumitomo Forestry Group will continue to strive toward the realization of a prosperous society together with our corporate brand message “Happiness Grows from Trees,” while creating solutions to social issues and expanding our businesses.
We appreciate your continued understanding and support of our Group’s business operations.