Pollution Prevention

Pollution Prevention

Management of Chemical Substances

Management of Chemical Substances at Plants in Japan

The Sumitomo Forestry Group manages hazardous chemical substances at each of three relevant Sumitomo Forestry Crest plants (Kashima Plant, Niihama Plant, Imari Plant) in accordance with the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Law in Japan.

Management Table of Chemical Substances at Plants in Japan (FY2023)

Applicable Company Applicable Department Substance No Name of Chemical Substance Total Use (kg/year) Total Released (kg/year) Total Transferred (kg/year) Conversion into Products (kg)
Air Water Soil Landfill Disposal Sewerage Outside Plant Premises
Sumitomo Forestry Crest Kashima Plant 186 Methylene chloride (dichloro methane) 3,340 1,425 0 0 0 0 1,915 0
448 Methylenebis (4,1- phenylene) diisocyanate 1,284 0 0 0 0 0 22 0
Subtotal 4,624 1,425 0 0 0 0 1,937 0
Niihama Plant 186 Methylene chloride (dichloro methane) 2,665 1,606 1,059 0
Subtotal 2,665 1,606 0 0 0 0 1,059 0
Imari Plant 4 Acrylic acid and water-soluble salts 12,430 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,430
7 n-Butyl acrylate 12,984 0 0 0 0 0 36 12,948
84 Glyoxal 3,219 0 0 0 0 0 6 3,213
134 Vinyl acetate 1,881,374 2,173 93 0 0 0 68 1,879,040
349 Phenol 35,280 0 0 0 0 0 11 35,269
395 The water-soluble salts of peroxy disulfuric 3,147 0 0 0 0 0 8 3,140
407 Poly (Oxyethylene) = Alkylether (alkyl group: C12~C15) 3,541 0 23 0 0 0 10 3,508
411 Formaldehyde 109,254 33 0 0 0 0 170 109,051
448 Methylenebis (4,1- phenylene) diisocyanate 8,600 0 0 0 0 0 43 8,557
565 Acrylic acid polymer 2,706 0 7 0 0 0 6 2,693
Subtotal 2,072,535 2,206 123 0 0 0 357 2,069,849
Total 2,079,824 5,237 123 0 0 0 3,353 2,069,849

Management of Chemical Substances at Plants Overseas

Chemical substances, including adhesives and coatings, in the table below are managed at overseas plants in accordance with the management regulations for chemical substances in each country.

Management Table of Chemical Substances at Plants Overseas (FY2023)

Applicable Company Country Name of Chemical Substance Total Use(t/year) Total Released (t/year) Total Transferred(t/year)
Air Waters, etc. Waste Processing
KTI Indonesia Adhesives at MA, UA, etc. 19,603 - - 49
ASTI Indonesia Styrene, xylene, solvents 266 - 11 25
RPI Indonesia Isocyanate/Formaldehyde 507 - - 0
SRP Indonesia Curing agents, paints, dyes, etc. 144 - - 18
NPIL New Zealand Curing agents, paints, dyes, etc. 302 - - 0
VECO Vietnam Isocyanate/Formaldehyde, etc. 579 - - 0
CCC United States of America MEK, alcohols, etc. 367 354 - 13
PAP Thailand Adhesives, Colorants 16 - - 2
Total 21,784 354 11 107

Management of Air Pollutants

Management of Air Pollutants at Plants in Japan

The Sumitomo Forestry Group periodically conducts atmospheric emission concentration tests for dioxins, NOx, SOx, and smoke dust for each relevant plant at Sumitomo Forestry Crest (Kashima Plant, Shizuoka Plant, and Niihama Plant), the Shinshiro Plant at Sumitomo Forestry Landscaping, and at the Mombetsu and Hachinohe Biomass Electric Power in accordance with the Air Pollution Control Act as well as local regulations. In fiscal 2023, emissions concentration testing results were all within the relevant standard values.

Management Table of Air Pollutants at Plants in Japan (FY2023)

Applicable Company Applicable Department Measured Substances Unit (Baseline) Measured Concentration Emissions to the Air (mg-TEQ)
Sumitomo Forestry Crest Kashima Plant Dioxin ng-TEQ/m3 5 0.084 2.7
Shizuoka Plant Dioxin ng-TEQ/m3 5 0.38 2.53
Applicable Company Applicable Department Measured Substances Emissions to the Air(kg/year) Unit (Baseline) Measured Concentration Dry gas flow rate
Sumitomo Forestry Crest Niihama Plant
(Wood Waste Boiler)
Sulfur oxides (SOx) 258.4 m3N/h 0.49 0.05 8,450
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 1,192 ppm 350 34 8,450
Soot and dust 73.2 g/m3N 0.3 0.005 8,450
Imari Plant Sulfur oxides (SOx) 975 m3N/h -

* There are no standards on the measurement frequency because this is a small-size once-through boiler.

The Agro-Products division of Sumitomo Forestry Landscaping Shinshiro Plant Sulfur oxides (SOx) 26.54 ppm 0.49Nm3/h Less than 1.2 8,190
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 317.88 ppm 200 20 8,190
Soot and dust 348.28 g/m3 0.2 0.045 8,190
Mombetsu Biomass Power Plant Sulfur oxides (SOx) 36,673 m3N/h 373 1.6 189,000
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 209,050 ppm 250 69 189,000
Soot and dust 1,362 g/m3N 0.1 0.0016 189,000
Hachinohe Biomass Power Generation Plant Sulfur oxides (SOx) 681 m3N/h 32.3
0.03 71,333
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 74,968 ppm 250 63.8 71,333
Soot and dust 0 g/m3N 0.3 0 71,333

Management of Air Pollutants at Plants Overseas

At overseas plants, the Sumitomo Forestry Group measures the concentration of NOx, SOx and smoke dust in Indonesia and Vietnam as well as VOC emission in the United States of America in accordance with the regulations of each country and region. In fiscal 2023, emissions concentration testing results were all within the relevant standard values.

Management Table of Air Pollutants at Plants Overseas(FY2023)

Applicable Company Country Measured Substances Unit (Baseline) Measured Concentration
KTI Indonesia CO (Carbon monoxide) µgr/Nm3 10,000 4,464
SO2(sulfur dioxide) µgr/Nm3 150 38
NO2(nitrogen dioxide) µgr/Nm3 200 34
Pb (lead) mg/Nm3 2 0.1
HC (hydrocarbon) µgr/Nm3 160 22
O3(Ozone) µgr/Nm3 150 48
Soot and dust mg/Nm3 230 24
RPI Indonesia Sulfur oxides (SOx) mg/Nm3 800 8.3
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) mg/Nm3 1,000 443.5
Soot and dust mg/Nm3 350 516.7
ASTI Indonesia CO (Carbon monoxide) mg/Nm3 29 1.1
SO2(sulfur dioxide) mg/Nm3 0.25 < LoD
NO2(nitrogen dioxide) ppm 0.2 0.015
H2S (Hydrogen sulfide) ppm 1 < LoD
NH3(Ammonia) mg/Nm3 25 0.195
TSP (Debu Total) mg/Nm3 5 0.15
SRP Indonesia CO (Carbon monoxide) ppm 10,000 < 1,145
SO2(sulfur dioxide) mg/m3 150 33.9
NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) ppm 200 28.6
O3(Ozone) ppm 150 26.1
VECO Vietnam Sulfur oxides (SOx) mg/Nm3 500 13.1
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) mg/Nm3 850 141
Soot and dust mg/Nm3 200 143
CO (Carbon monoxide) mg/Nm3 1,000 57
Formaldehyde mg/Nm3 20 0
CCC United States of America Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) lbs 200,000 174,581
PAP Thailand Dust (TSP) mg/m3 0.33 0.022
Formaldehyde ppm 0.75 0.1

Management of Water Pollutants

Management of Water Pollutants in Japan

The Sumitomo Forestry Group conducts periodic water quality concentration tests of waste water at the Tsukuba Research Institute, all plants of Sumitomo Forestry Crest (Kashima Plant, Shizuoka Plant, Niihama Plant, Imari Plant), Mombetsu Biomass Power Generation Plant and Hachinohe Biomass Power Generation Plant in accordance with the Water Pollution Control Act of Japan. Measured concentrations at the Kashima Plant have been affected by slags* in the soil since the land was purchased (when the Kashima Plant was built), causing the land to rise and water quality concentrations (PH values) to exceed the regulated values, but measurements continue to be carried out to determine the values. All other plant measured concentrations were below regulation threshold.

* General term for unwanted components that are separated during the smelting of minerals. Also known as slag.

Management Table of Water Quality at Plants in Japan (FY2023)

Applicable Company Applicable Department Test Items Unit (Baseline) Measured Concentration
Sumitomo Forestry Tsukuba Research Institute pH pH 5~9 7.75
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L < 600 70.25
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L - -
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L < 600 73.33
Normal hexane extracts
(mineral oils)
mg/L ≦ 5 < 1
Normal hexane extracts
(animal and vegetable oils and fats)
mg/L ≦ 30 2.67
Iodine consumption mg/L ≦ 220 12.08
Phenol content mg/L ≦ 5 < 0.025
Cyanogen compound mg/L ≦ 1 < 0.1
Copper content mg/L ≦ 3 0.01
Zinc content mg/L ≦ 2 0.03
Soluble iron content mg/L ≦ 10 0.04
Soluble manganese content mg/L ≦ 10 < 0.02
Benzene mg/L ≦ 0.1 < 0.001
Boron and other compounds mg/L ≦ 10 0.04
Fluorine and other compounds mg/L ≦ 8 < 0.17
Sumitomo Forestry Crest Kashima Plant pH pH 5.8~8.6 12.6
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L - 2.2
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 5 4.2
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 5 < 1
Normal hexane extracts mg/L 1 < 0.5
Total Phosphorus mg/L - < 0.02
Total Nitrogen mg/L - 2.9
Shizuoka Plant pH pH 5.8~8.6 7.3
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L ≦ 160 7.4
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L - -
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L ≦ 200 1.6
Niihama Plant pH pH 5.8~8.6 6.7
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L - -
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 160 8.6
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 200 21
Imari Plant pH pH 5.8~8.6 7.9
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L - -
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 70 11.7
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 70 4.8
Mombetsu Biomass Power Plant pH pH 5~9 7.9
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 1,000 mg/L or
less over five days
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 1000 1
Hachinohe Biomass Power Generation Plant pH - 5.8~8.6 7.95
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 30 mg/L or less
(Daily average of 20mg/L or less)
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 40 mg/L or less
(Daily average of 30mg/L or less)
Normal hexane extracts mg/L ≦ 5 1

Management of Water Pollutants Overseas

The Sumitomo Forestry Group conducts concentration tests of water pollutants at overseas plants in accordance with the water quality regulations for wastewater in each country. In fiscal 2023, the regulation threshold for suspended solids (SS) concentration at Pan Asia Packing Ltd. was exceeded. Pan Asia Packing Ltd. only discharges domestic wastewater, and it addressed this situation by embedding a device that filters food waste in front of the pipes. The company plans to replace aging pipes to improve the SS concentration.

Management Table of Water Quality at Plants Overseas (FY2023)

Applicable Company Country Test Items Unit (Baseline) Measured Concentration
KTI Indonesia pH - 6~9 8.2
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 75 6
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 125 19
TSS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 50 2
NH3-N(Ammonia concentration) mg/L 4 3
Fenol (Fenol concentration) mg/L 0.25 0.001
RPI Indonesia pH - 6~9 7.9
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 75 13
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 125 44
TSS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 50 14.7
ASTI Indonesia pH - 6~9 7.76
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 50 14
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 100 40
Soluble iron content mg/L 5 0.2
Soluble manganese content mg/L 2 0.02
Copper content mg/L 2 < 0.04
Zinc content mg/L 5 0.45
Chromium hexavalent compound mg/L 0.1 0.025
Chromium compound mg/L 0.5 < 0.108
Cadmium compound mg/L 0.05 0.003
Lead compound mg/L 0.1 0.0023
tin compounds mg/L 2 < 0.0015
Hydrogen sulfide compound mg/L 0.05 0.0017
Nitrate compound mg/L 20 0.22
Nitrite compound mg/L 1 0.08
Mercury mg/L 0.002 0.00089
Fenol (Fenol concentration) mg/L 0.5 < 0.005
VECO Vietnam Rainwater Treatment in Logyard
pH - 5~9 7.21
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 200 63.17
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 300 155.33
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 200 15.67
Nitrogen compound mg/L 60 4.42
Phosphate compound mg/L 10 1.87
Wastewater treatment plant
pH - 5~9 7.185
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 200 28.625
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 300 55.3
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 200 27.5
Nitrogen compound mg/L 60 19.25
Phosphate compound mg/L 10 1.6175
NPIL New Zealand pH - 6~9 7.3
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 2,350 1,538
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 6,400 3,615
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 650 309
PAP Thailand pH - 5.5-9.0 7.4
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 500 36.2
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) mg/L 750 275
SS (Suspended Solids) mg/L 200 238

Appropriate Disposal of Building Materials Containing Asbestos

The Sumitomo Forestry Group has secured the proper disposal routes for asbestos. At Sumitomo Forestry, credential holders conduct preliminary surveys on all construction works subject to regulations to determine whether or not asbestos-containing building materials are present. In particular, the basis for determining the presence of asbestos is made clear, and results are reported to the asbestos preliminary survey results reporting system. At demolition sites, guidance is given and measures are implemented to prevent the release of asbestos into the air and to ensure that it is disposed of properly.
The Group is also engaged in proper disposal of asbestos in the buildings of the various Group companies based on the law.
The persons in charge of the sales, design, and production groups involved in demolition work have taken e-learning on the preliminary survey of asbestos to enhance their knowledge.

Storage and Proper Disposal Polychlorinated Biphenyl Waste

The treatment of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contained in equipment such as spent high-voltage capacitors, was completed in Japan in fiscal 2021 in accordance with the Law concerning Special Measures for Promotion of Proper Treatment of PCB Wastes.

Disposal Status of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Waste*1

Applicable Company Applicable Facility Total Disposal in FY2020 (kg) Total Disposal in FY2021 (kg) Total Disposal in FY2022 (kg) Total Disposal in FY2023 (kg)
Sumitomo Forestry Crest (Former) Nagoya Plant*2 0 1,515 0 0

*1 The total disposal amount is based on the disposal notification and includes the weight of the storage container.

*2 The (Former) Nagoya Plant was closed in end of June 2015.

Management Status of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)*1

Applicable Company Applicable Facility FY2022 Onward Estimated Processing (Units) FY2023 Onward Estimated Processing (Units) Management Status
Sumitomo Forestry Crest (Former) Nagoya Plant*2 0kg - Stabilizers disposal complete: January 07, 2021
ASTI ASTI Plants 74kg 102kg Electrical Boards
RPI RPI Plants 131kg 131kg Power receiving board

*1 The equipment included above is equipment currently in use or in storage which is being evaluated for processing

*2 The (Former) Nagoya Plant was closed in end of June 2015.

Management of Fluorocarbon Emissions

The Sumitomo Forestry Group is managing fluorocarbon emissions related to the fluorocarbon gases that are used as coolants by equipment such as air-conditioning and refrigeration at affiliate companies, and for testing equipment at the Tsukuba Research Institute, through periodic inspections of fluorocarbon emissions in accordance with the Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons enacted April 2015. There was no CFCs leakage in fiscal 2022.

* Data collection period: April 2022 to March 2023

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Amount of Pesticide and Fertilizer used in Forests

Amount of Pesticide used in Forests*1 Herbicide*2 8,154kg
Bactericide 173kg
Insecticide 292kg
Fungicide 910kg
Amount of Fertilizer used in Forests (nitrogen and phosphorous)*1 Nitrogen fertilizer*3 4,701kg
Phosphorous fertilizer*3 3,615kg

*1 Scope of tabulation: nursery fields in Japan and overseas forests (OBT, WSL, MTI, KMF, TPF)

*2 Terbuthylazine, etc., are mostly found in New Zealand, but are used in accordance with FSC standards.

*3 All nursery fields. No spraying on forestland

Project for Soil Purification Technology and Environmental Remediation Aided by Plants

In re-using the site of an old factory there is often the environmental impact associated with soil contamination and the cost burden of any remedial measures, which has become a problem as brownfields*. Under the revised Fire Service Act of Japan, gasoline stations are now obliged to repair any underground tanks that have lain under the ground for more than 40 years, and as a consequence of this, it is expected that between 1,000 and 2,000 stations will close down each year.

In order to meet the demand for environmental remediation and measures dealing with soil contamination, the Sumitomo Forestry Group has been working on cleansing contaminated soil by using the functions of plants (phytoremediation). As part of this, during fiscal 2012, in collaboration with ENEOS (JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation at the time), the Group developed a method for purifying soil contaminated with oil using Burning Field, a variety of Japanese lawn-grass independently registered by the Group.

One of the functions possessed by the variety of Japanese lawn-grass used in this method is that the nutrients transpiring from its roots activate microorganisms in the soil, and the upshot of this is that it has the potential to inexpensively reduce the oil content in polluted soil. The purification has completed at five gasoline stations or oil depots by fiscal 2023.

In fiscal 2013 and 2014, the Ministry of the Environment conducted a study on low-cost, low-impact technologies for surveying and for counteracting contaminated soil in addition to presenting the Environmental Measures Exemplary Efforts Awards (Minister of the Environment Award) in 2013. The study found that oil-degrading microorganisms tend to become more active, and were recognized as having potential to be applied at sites heavily contaminated with oil. Received the Good Design Award in October 2018 from the Japan Institute of Design Promotion. In March 2020, the Burning Field®, an enhanced variety of Japanese lawn-grass was registered with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's New Technology Information System (NETIS). NETIS is a new technology information system designed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to share and provide information for use of new technologies. The use of NETIS-registered technology scores additional points for general evaluation at the bidding stage or construction performance evaluation during the usage stage, which is expected to raise awareness and standardize these new technologies at contractors involved in public works projects.

Moving forward, by steadily producing results in soil purification based on this technique, the Group will continue to help resolve the nationwide problem of oil contamination.

* Land that is not used or underutilized significantly compared to its potential value due to the presence or concern of soil contamination.

Grass laid on the site where a gasoline station once stood

Grass laid on the site where a gasoline station once stood

Sustainability Report
2024 Sitemap