Stock Information

Basic information

Number of stocks and number of shareholders(As of December 31, 2024)

Number of Shares Authorized Number of Shares Issued and Outstanding Number of shareholders
400,000,000 206,067,368 68,515

Articles of Incorporation

Revised on 30 March 2023(185KB)

Breakdown of Shareholders
(As of December 31, 2024)

Breakdown of Shareholders (As of December 31, 2024)

Major Shareholders
(As of December 31, 2024)

Order Shareholders Number of shares held(thousands) Shareholding ratio(%)
1 The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd.(trust account) 27,601 13.4
2 Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.(trust account) 12,815 6.2
3 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. 10,110 4.9
4 The Iyo bank, Ltd. 5,849 2.8
5 Kumagai Gumi Co., Ltd. 5,197 2.5
6 Sumitomo Corporation 4,383 2.1
7 Sumitomo Life Insurance Company 4,227 2.0
8 The Hyakujushi Bank, Ltd. 4,197 2.0
9 SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. 4,131 2.0
10 JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. 3,938 1.9
* Number of shares held and Shareholding ratio are rounded down to the nearest whole unit.
* The shareholding ratio was culculated based on the total number of issued shares less treasury stock.

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