Responding to Climate Change

Energy Used in Business Activities and the Adoption of Renewable Energy

Energy Used in Business Activities and the Adoption of Renewable Energy

Energy consumption in fiscal 2021 for Sumitomo Forestry Group was 2,878,334 MWh*, the same level as the previous year. The energy consumption in business other than the power generation business has declined by various energy-saving activities. In 2021, total renewable energy accounted for about 74.5% of our group energy usage.

* The Balance of Input & Output is calculated according to the TJ unit based on the Environmental Reporting Guidelines issued by the Ministry of the Environment. Both are equivalently calculated for the amount of energy consumption.

Energy consumption and the adoption trend of renewable energy in the past 4 years

Energy consumption and the adoption trend of renewable energy in the past 4 years

* An aggregation period after 2020 is from January to December of each year, and the aggregation period before 2019 is from April to March of the following year.