Environmental Management

Sumitomo Forestry Group's Environmental Management

Sumitomo Forestry Group's Environmental Management

The Sumitomo Forestry Group advocates contributions to the realization of a sustainable society in its Corporate Philosophy.

The Environmental Policy applies to all stages of product life cycle and all business processes from product and service development, design and manufacturing to material procurement, distribution, waste management, supplier and partner selection, new project launches, and mergers and acquisitions, in all businesses of the Sumitomo Forestry Group to promote businesses that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by balancing the environment and the economy.

For example, regarding the selection and evaluation of suppliers, a "sustainability procurement survey" is conducted based on our Environmental Policy, and when a new business is started up or a joint venture or acquisition is made, each division performs a risk check from both aspects of the environment and society.

To share and raise awareness of the Environmental Policy among Group employees, it is reflected in employee handbooks, on the website and posters, etc. as well as read at new employee training sessions, ISO 14001 internal environmental auditor training courses and departmental meetings. The Environmental Policy are also posted in meeting rooms, and the environmental approach of the Sumitomo Forestry Group has been shared with business partners.

Sumitomo Forestry Group Code of Conduct applies to not just the Group enterprises but also to the supply chain. The Code of Conduct drives coexistence with the environment and clarifies the approach to advance efforts toward the environment, including all of the business partners of the Sumitomo Forestry Group.

In 2022, Sumitomo Forestry established a long-term vision "Mission TREEING2030", in which ideal image of the group was incorporated into long-term business structure to realize a decarbonized society towards 2030 which is the goal year of the SDGs. We also unveiled “Mission TREEING 2030 Phase 1” (2022-2024),a three year mid-term management plan. As "Further integration of business operations and ESG" is one of the five basic policies, we set and implement Medium-Term Management Plan Sustainability 2024 which includes the sustainability strategy as well as nine newly identified material issues. We will improve our environmental management based on this target.

Sumitomo Forestry Group Environmental Policy

Through our experience nurturing forests since our founding, Sumitomo Forestry Group has learned to appreciate the wonders of wood and the importance of nature. As a corporate entity with a close affinity to nature, we will pursue business activities that balance both environmental and economic interests and contribute to a sustainable society.

  1. Develop business operations centered on wood and forests
    We will cultivate forests and their ability to preserve and enhance the rich ecosystem to protect biodiversity, actively utilize timber resources and create new corporate value.
  2. Develop and offer environmentally conscious products and services
    We will develop and sell products and services that are environmentally conscious throughout the entire product lifecycle.
  3. Minimize and improve environmental impact
    To minimize and improve environmental impact, we will employ procurement practices that prevent environmental pollution and climate change and promote the effective utilization of natural resources.
  4. Ensure strict legal compliance
    We will adhere to all environmental laws, rules and regulations, global standards, voluntary standards and accords with stakeholders.
  5. Make continual improvements to our environmental management system
    We will accurately access environment-related risks associated with our business activities and with a mid-to-long-term outlook, set and work to fulfill yearly environment goals. In addition, we will regularly evaluate our environmental management system and make continual improvements.
  6. Promote environmental education
    We will provide environmental education for all parties involved in Sumitomo Forestry Group's business operations and encourage voluntary environmental efforts.
  7. Pursue active communication
    We will actively disclose information about our environmental policy and initiatives and pursue activities that convey the wonders of trees and forests and the importance of nature.

President and Representative Director
Toshiro Mitsuyoshi

Sustainability Report
2024 Sitemap