Mid-Term Sustainability Targets as part of 2024 Mid-Term Management Plan

Material Issue 4 
To provide comfortable and secure spaces for society at large

Material Issue 4

Material Issue 4 
To provide comfortable and secure spaces for society at large

Providing safe, comfortable, and secure spaces to society at large.

Related SDGs

Basic Policy

As various social issues such as human rights issues like discrimination and poverty, intensification of disasters, and the spread of infection with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) become apparent, the tendency toward well-being has increased, and people's living spaces, especially homes, are required to be safe, secure, comfortable and warm. Customer needs have become diverse due to changes in lifestyles and society, such as increasing desire for well-being, shrinking housing needs due to declining population, relocation of housing due to low birth rate and aging population, coexistence with foreigners, and changes in values related to race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, and gender (LGBTQ). It is important for companies to accurately respond to customer needs.

The Sumitomo Forestry Group strives to improve customer satisfaction by setting "We provide high-quality products and services that bring joy to our customers." in the Code of Conducts, and focusing on providing high-quality products that give a sense of security, safety, comfort and warmth to many customers, of both newly built detached houses and remodeling.

Impact on Society and the Environment

Material Issue 4 Impact (Opportunities) Impact (Risks)
To provide comfortable and secure spaces for society at large

Providing safe, comfortable, and secure spaces to society at large.
  1. Improvement of customer satisfaction by reducing complaints
  2. Ensuring social credibility by improving quality
  1. Responding to changes in demographics and consumer needs

Management of Material Issue 4 (FY2023)

In Mid-Term Sustainability Targets 2024, Material Issue 4 is divided into 5 evaluation indicators, and management is carried out by incorporating them into annual activity policies and measures of the management department. We also assess the impacts that the material issue has on society and the environment.

Improving Customer Satisfaction

In the detached houses sector, we conduct questionnaire at the time of moving in as an indicator of customer satisfaction. In 2023, measures for items with a low satisfaction rate were continuously shared and taken together among related departments through monthly satisfaction working group, resulting in 53.5%, exceeding planned 52.0% by 1.5 points.

Concerning items for improvement and issues, we will continue to improve customer satisfaction by sharing information among relevant departments.


Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2023
Ratio of Implementation of design performance evaluation (%) Housing Division 99.0 99.8 99.0
Ratio of Construction performance evaluations implemented (%) 99.0 99.7 99.0
Ratio of Certified as Long-life Quality Housing*1 (%) 95.0 95.9 95.0
Questionnaire at the time of moving in (Non-consolidated NPS value*2) (pt) 52.0 53.5 53.0
Improvement of score of customer survey on person in charge of construction*3(point) 78.0 76.9 80.0

*1Limited to private house and applicable floor area or more

*2Net Promoter Score (NPS)
NPS is a new index used to measure customer loyalty (the amount of trust and affinity for the company and brand)

*3Evaluation index for Sumitomo Forestry Home Tech only

Sustainability Report
2024 Sitemap