Mid-Term Sustainability Targets as part of 2024 Mid-Term Management Plan

Material Issue 2
 To realize carbon neutrality by leveraging forests and wood resources

Material Issue 2

Material Issue 2
 To realize carbon neutrality by leveraging forests and wood resources

Contributing to the decarbonization of society by reducing our own GHG emissions, by offering timber and wood products that sequestrate carbon, and by providing low-carbon/carbon-free products and services.

Related SDGs

Basic Policy

Climate change has already caused a number of environmental issues and impacted people's lives. For example, natural disasters in the form of heat waves, torrential rainfall, flooding, typhoons, droughts as well as impacts on biodiversity and food supply. These pose a serious threat to humankind. To mitigate the impacts of climate change, it is important to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is needed to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.

Since wood absorbs and fixes CO2in the process of growth and only a small amount of CO2during emissions occur during production, actively using wood greatly contributes to a decarbonized society.

Since founding, the Sumitomo Forestry Group has been developing its business centered on wood, and will continue to propose further utilization of wood in the fields of forest, wood, and construction. With respect to forest, we will promote zoning forest management to expand conservation forest that absorb carbon dioxide and accelerate logging and replanting of working forests that promote carbon fixation. Carbon offset contributes to decarbonization of other companies and society, and realizes sustainable business. Regarding wood, we will promote long-term carbon fixation value of wood, enhance competitiveness of domestic wood, and promote wooden construction and wood conversion of buildings. In construction, we will contribute to decarbonization of society as a whole by promoting decarbonized architecture by establishing and standardizing decarbonization design methods such as promoting LCCM housing and net-zero carbon buildings in Japan and overseas.

The Sumitomo Forestry Group's internal and supply chains, which provide the value of wood, will steadily implement SBT-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, including the achievement of the RE100.

Impact on Society and the Environment

Material Issue 2 Impact (Opportunities) Impact (Risks)
To realize carbon neutrality by leveraging forests and wood resources

Contributing to the decarbonization of society by reducing our own GHG emissions, by offering timber and wood products that sequestrate carbon, and by providing low-carbon/carbon-free products and services.
  1. Reducing energy consumption (greenhouse gas emissions) throughout all of society by reducing the housing related energy use, which has the majority of energy use/ time spent in daily life.
  2. Heightening environmental awareness of consumers (residents)
  3. Contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact and solutions to climate change by achieving SBT and RE100
  4. Building a sustainable society by providing sustainable architecture
  5. Building a new forest value creation business
  1. Increasing cost burden on companies to lower greenhouse gas emissions
  2. Rising cost for buyers and declining demand due to rising prices of housing and other products

Management of Material Issue 2 (FY2023)

In Mid-Term Sustainability Targets 2024, Material Issue 2 is divided into 19 evaluation indicators, and management is carried out by incorporating them into annual activity policies and measures of the management department. We also assess the impacts that the material issue has on society and the environment.

Promotion of Decarbonization

Although greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) amounted to 335,673 t-CO2e and did not reach the target for fiscal 2023 of 309,800t-CO2e, we have been able to reduce emissions by 20,000 t-CO2e since fiscal 2022. The main reason for this is that we were able to reduce the coal co-firing ratio at the Mombetsu Biomass Electric Power Plant, which is the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions, by 4.5 percentage points from 12.0% in fiscal 2022 to 7.5% in fiscal 2023. In fiscal 2024, the final fiscal year in the Medium- Term Management Plan (2022-2024), we aim to achieve 289,469 t-CO2e in the final year of 2024 (down 21.7% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018) by continuing to reduce the ratio of coal co-firing at Mombetsu and promoting convert to renewable energy efforts in order to achieve RE100.

Sumitomo Forestry Group has set a target for ZEH order rate in an effort to reduce Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, especially Category 11 (use of sold products), which represents a particularly high proportion of emissions. The ratio of ZEH in the new custom-built detached houses orders increased by 2.5 percentage points from 77.2% in fiscal 2022 to 79.7% in fiscal 2023, and nearly reaching our target of 80% in the fiscal 2024 plan one year ahead of schedule.

We were able to achieve certain results because we disseminated details of the “Children's Eco Housing Support Program,” which provides subsidies for renovations that save energy in homes by households with children and young couples, and actively utilized the program. The other positive factor was a tailwind from soaring utility costs. We aim to spread ZEH by continuing to educate customers about life cycle costs (LCCs) and propose solutions.


Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2023
Fixed amount of CO2 in domestic company-owned forests(t-CO2) Environment and Resources Division 13,617 thousand 13,847 thousand 13,758 thousand
Carbon stock from production forests by overseas afforestation companies(t-CO2) 10,133 thousand 9,928 thousand × 10,133 thousand
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Promotion of Decarbonization (Scope 1, 2)


Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2023
Greenhouse gas emissions(t-CO2e)
Percentage change from fiscal 2017
All Sumitomo Forestry Group Companies 309,800
Sumirin Denki subscription rate (%) Electricity sale after FIT Housing Division 45.0 50.3 × 45.0
New owner's purchased power 37.0 3.3 50.0
Renewable energy consumption rate [Efforts to achieve RE100] (%)* All Sumitomo Forestry Group Companies 7.4 5.4 35.1

*Percentage of electricity purchased by the Company generated from renewable energy. Excluding offices and other facilities located in New Zealand, which is aiming to achieve RE100 by 2035 as a whole nation.

Promotion of Decarbonization (Scope 3)


Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2023
Percentage of orders for ZEH type houses out of new custom-built detached housings (%) Housing Division 75.0 79.7 80.0
Environmentally sound remodeling order rate for Customers (%) 72.0 75.2 75.0
Rate of orders for Environmentally sound products*1(%) 61.0 58.7 62.0
[New custom-built detached houses] BELS acquisition rate*2 (%) 98.5 99.0 98.5
[House and land package] Environmental equipment (PV / FC) installation rate (green smart rate) (%) 20.0 54.7 30.0
Environmentally conscious remodeling order rate for Owners (%) 67.0 61.8 70.0
Environmentally conscious remodeling order rate for Customers + Owners (%) 69.3 67.6 72.2
[MOCCA (Timber Solutions)] Number of proposals based on basic plan (cases) 26 14 x 28
Amount of electricity supplied by renewable energy business*3 (MWh) Environment and Resources Division 764,701 730,450 x 856,022
Environmental certification number of projects targeted for Edge(Asia)(cases) Global Construction and Real Estate Division 1 2 1

*1(1) local seedlings, (2) permeable paving material, (3) green wall construction, (4) rooftop greening, (5) biotope and (6) use of recycled materials

*2At the start of construction of the main unit

*3The figures are for Mombetsu Biomass Electric Power, Hachinohe Biomass Electric Power, Kawasaki Biomass Electric Power, Tomakomai Biomass Power, Kanda Biomass Energy, and Kashima Solar Power Plant. For equity-method affiliates, electricity supply is calculated according to their equity share.

Utilization of Sustainable Forest Resources


Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2023
Sales quantity of KIKORIN-PLYWOOD (Month) (m3) Timber and Building Materials Division 35,000 24,590 × 35,000
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Sustainability Report
2024 Sitemap