Occupational Health and Safety

Targets and Performance Concerning Occupational Injuries

Targets and Performance Concerning Occupational Injuries

In the Mid-Term Sustainability Targets as part of the Sumitomo Forestry Group Mid-Term Management Plan, the Sumitomo Forestry Group sets critical targets by fiscal 2024 as "zero occupational injury and lost work time". The Sumitomo Forestry Group aims to achieve its critical targets and defines priority sustainability measures in each division. The performance toward achieving these targets is reviewed each fiscal year.

With regard to the performance of the Sumitomo Forestry Group with respect to occupational health and safety against industry standards, the Group is also working to reduce the number of occupational injuries by referring to the frequency rates in the same industry.

Occupational Injury in Fiscal 2023

For Sumitomo Forestry Group as a whole, number of serious occupational injury (four or more days of lost worktime) decreased 2.3% from 86 in 2022 to 84 in 2023. Number of fatal accidents in Sumitomo Forestry Group was one in fiscal 2023. As a measure to reduce occupational injury, in housing business, we are educating and promoting viewing of new visitor training* videos for those involved, and implementing training to improve supervisors' and safety responsibilities. In overseas forest business, we have changed equipment that may cause accidents. In domestic and overseas manufacturing business, we are planning to install additional emergency stop devices and upgrade processing equipment to make it safer. In addition, we are holding online safety conference at Group companies in Japan and overseas to share safety improvement activities at each plant and promote various activities to eliminate serious occupational injuries. In elderly care business, medical cooperation with medical specialists is promoted more than before, and safety of customers and the safety of staff members are achieved.

*An education given to workers when they first enter a construction site to share information on on-site conditions and rules

Occupational Injuries (Non-Consolidated)*1

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of occupational injuries (incidents)*1 1 2 5 4
Lost-time injury frequency rate*2 0.29 0.19 0.42 0.47
Work-related illness frequency rate 0.29 0 0 0
Number of fatal accidents 1 0 0 0

*1The number of work-related accidents resulting in payment of compensation benefits for absence from work in accordance with the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act is disclosed (four or more days of lost worktime, including the number of cases in which applications for compensated absences from work are pending)

*2Lost-time injury frequency rate = Number of occupational fatalities or injuries resulting in an absence from work of at least one day ÷ Total number of working hours × 1,000,000

Occupational Injury in Forestry Business

In fiscal 2023, we were able to reduce number of occupational injuries in Japan by holding safety conference, conducting safety patrols, and taking measures against heatstroke and bees. Regarding overseas, although number of occupational injuries resulting in lost work time has decreased, there are still many occupational injuries involving use of mowing knives and chainsaws. As measures to prevent recurrence, we have strengthened safety education for workers, revised work methods, and introduced use of protective equipment.

Number of occupational injuries involving contractors in domestic company-owned forests*

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
1 2 0 0

*The number of work-related accidents resulting in payment of compensation benefits for absence from work (four or more days of lost worktime) in accordance with the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act is disclosed

Occupational Injuries (Non-Consolidated)*1

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
3 15 11 9

*The number of work-related accidents resulting in payment of compensation benefits for absence from work (four or more days of lost worktime) in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act is disclosed

Occupational Injury in Environmental Energy Business

An accident of falling from stairs attached to truck scale has occurred at Michinoku Bio Energy's contractor. Since stairs were not fixed to ground and the staff, in an unstable condition, lost his balance. After this accident, we changed operation to be able to measure without getting off truck at the time of measurement and eliminated risk of falling. In fiscal 2024, we will continue to conduct risk assessments to achieve zero occupational injury.

Occupational injuries* of employees and contractors in Environmental Energy Business

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
3 1 2 1

*The number of work-related accidents resulting in payment of compensation benefits for absence from work (four or more days of lost worktime) in accordance with the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act is disclosed

Occupational Injury in Manufacturing Business

Number of occupational injuries was reduced by five from previous period, and among them, number of occupational injuries on with four or more days of lost worktime was reduced by one. However, number of accidents caused by rotating objects such as cutting tools increased by one from previous year. We will continue to make efforts to eliminate these accidents as a priority issue for prevention of occupational injury.

In addition, we will continue to promote risk assessment, KYT (risk prediction training), and near-miss activities, and share occupational injury examples cases among plants to raise their staff's awareness. We will make a company-wide effort under basic policy of "creating manufacturing sites with respect for human life and commitment to safety first."

Number of serious occupational injuries (four or more days of lost work time) occurring on domestic group manufacturing companies*

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
1 0 1 3

*The number of work-related accidents resulting in payment of compensation benefits for absence from work (four or more days of lost worktime) in accordance with the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act is disclosed

Number of serious occupational injuries (four or more days of lost work time) occurring on overseas group manufacturing companies (employees / contractors) *1*2

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
12 8 14 11

*1The number of work-related accidents resulting in payment of compensation benefits for absence from work (four or more days of lost worktime) in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act is disclosed

*2Total of 7 companies (consolidated companies) of Nelson Pine Industries (NPIL), Kutai Timber Indonesia (KTI), AST Indonesia (ASTI), Sinar Rimba Pasifik (SRP), Canyon Creek Cabinet (CCC), Vina Eco Board (VECO), and Pan Asia Packing (PAP)

Occupational Injury in Construction Sites

Although the number of occupational injuries was greatly reduced from previous period, the number of occupational injuries resulting in four or more days of lost worktime only decreased by one, remaining almost the same as previous period. It is an urgent task to reduce number of accidents caused by falling. In fiscal 2023, we conducted a fall prevention course (internal occupational health and safety education) for workers at cooperative building contractors in order to ensure that workers engage in activities such as attaching hooks to fall prevention devices, installing temporary base and fall prevention nets, and inspecting scaffoldings before use.

Occupational injuries of contractors on housing construction sites

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of occupational injuries*1 21 24 19 18
1000-building rate*2 2.62 2.77 2.22 2.11
Lost-time injury frequency rate*3 5.12 3.49 4.22 2.48
Number of fatal accidents 0 0 0 1
Work-related illness frequency rate 0 0 0 0

*1Disclose number of work-related accidents with four or more days of lost worktime (including sole proprietorship, excluding commuting accidents)

*21000-building rate=Number of work-related accidents with four or more days of absence per 1000 buildings

*3Lost-time injury frequency rate = Number of occupational fatalities or injuries resulting in an absence from work of at least one day ÷ Total number of working hours × 1,000,000

Occupational Injury in Overseas Housing Sites

Many serious occupational injuries are similar to falling accidents, and examples of countermeasures are shared among the Group. In addition, we conduct occupational health and safety training and safety audits by third party organizations to ensure thorough compliance with safety rules. We also identify issues related to safety management, which will lead to future improvements in management system.

Occupational injuries of contractors in overseas housing sites*

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
5 9 9 7

*Occupational accident equivalent to a serious occupational injury in Japan's occupational injury classification (four or more days of lost worktime)

Occupational Injury in Nursing Care Sites

In 2023, there were 21 occupational injuries at two nursing care companies, including accidents not requiring leave. There were six cases of which injured staff are under nursing care (back pain, etc.). Although this is a slight decrease from number of occupational injuries caused by back pain in previous year (nine), it is still main cause of occupational injury at nursing care sites. On the other hand, there were a total of four occupational injuries that occurred while dealing with customers with dementia, and these have been on the rise in recent years.

Sumirin Fill Care is taking measures to prevent employees from feeling unwell (such as providing financial assistance to sports clubs), and Sumirin Care Life is taking measures to prevent occupational injury by introducing equipment (transfer assistance robots). In addition, in the event of an "accident involving customers with dementia", it is necessary to take appropriate measures through medical cooperation with medical specialists to ensure safety of both customers and employees.

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