ESG Data

Site Report (FY 2023)

Environmental Data of Group Companies in Japan

The Sumitomo Forestry Group reports information about its environmental impact of each company and each plant for domestic manufacturers and power plants that have a large influence on the environment.

Sumitomo Forestry Crest Co., Ltd.

Item (unit) Kashima Plant Shizuoka Plant Niihama Plant Imari Plant Subtotal
Energy Input (GJ) 29,393 15,693 14,753 9,590 69,429
Raw Material Input (t) 9,935 22,792 3,506 6,740 42,973
Water Resource Use (m3)
  Total 7,440 7,491 3,038 54,866 72,835
  Service water 7,440 7,491 3,038 116 18,085
Main water source Lakes -- Lake Kitaura in Kasumigaura (Protected region: A portion is part of Suigo-Tsukuba Quasi-National Park) Groundwater -- Oi River Basin - Reservoirs -
Industrial water - - - 54,750 54,750
Main water source - - Groundwater (water authority in Niihama City) River -- Arita-gawa River basin (partly Mt. Kurokami mammal and avian species wildlife refuge) -
Water discharge (m3)
  Total 6,112 6,548 1,394 50,103 64,157
  Sewerage 6,112 - 1,394 - 7,506
Ocean - - - 50,103 50,103
Rivers - 6,548 - - 6,548
Lakes - - - - -
Water consumption (m3) 1,328 943 1,644 4,763 8,678
Greenhouse gas emissions (t-CO2)
  Carbon dioxide (CO2) 46 746 1,443 424 2,658
Methane (CH4)* 38 4 13 0 56
Dinitrogen oxide (N2O)* 5 0 1 0 7
Waste generations (t) 2,654 2,039 962 295 5,950
Emissions to the air (kg)
  Sulfur oxides (SOx) - - 258.4 975 1,233
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) - - 1,192 - 1,192
Soot and dust - - 73.2 - 73.2

*Methane and dinitrogen oxide are converted and calculated as carbon dioxide

The Agro-Products division of Sumitomo Forestry Landscaping

Item (unit) Tobishima Plant Shinshiro Plant Subtotal
Energy Input (GJ) 1,500 3,993 5,493
Raw Material Input (t) 12,770 5,640 18,411
Water Resource Use (m3)
  Total 840 621 1,461
  Service water 840 621 1,461
Main water source River -- Kiso-gawa River Basin River -- Toyokawa Prefectural Water System -
Industrial water - - -
Main water source - Well water -
Water discharge (m3)
  Total 841 621 1,462
  Sewerage - - -
Ocean - - -
Rivers 841 621 1,462
Lakes - - -
Water consumption (m3) -1 0 -1
Greenhouse gas emissions (t-CO2)
  Carbon dioxide (CO2) 129 298 427
Methane (CH4)* - - -
Dinitrogen oxide (N2O)* - - -
Waste generations (t) 46 42 88
Emissions to the air (kg)
  Sulfur oxides (SOx) - 27 27
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) - 318 318
Soot and dust - 348 348

*Methane and dinitrogen oxide are converted and calculated as carbon dioxide

Power Plants

Item (unit) Mombetsu Biomass Electric Power Co.,Ltd. Hachinohe Biomass Electric Power Co.,Ltd. Okhotsk Bio Energy Co. Ltd. Japan Bio Energy Co., Ltd. Michinoku Bio Energy Co., Ltd. Subtotal
Energy Input (GJ) 5,205,433 1,716,335 13,774 6,057 8,033 6,949,633
Raw Material Input (t) 3,744 821 130,363 58,885 64,835 258,647
Water Resource Use (m3)
  Total 1,040,054 372,773 444 7,125 228 1,420,624
  Service water 1,040,054 9,489 444 7,125 228 1,057,340
Main water source Shokotsu River System Mount Haku Water System Service Reserve Shokotsu River System Lake Sagami, Sagami River System, and Miyagase Dam Mount Haku Water System Service Reserve -
Industrial water - 363,284 - - - 363,284
Main water source - Mabechi River - - - 0
Water discharge (m3)
  Total 397,610 100,190 444 0 228 498,472
  Sewerage 397,610 - 444 - 228 398,282
Ocean - 100,190 - - - 100,190
Rivers - - - - - -
Lakes - - - - - -
Water consumption (m3) 642,444 272,583 0 7,125 0 922,152
Greenhouse gas emissions (t-CO2)
  Carbon dioxide (CO2) 42,323 96 1,157 218 561 44,355
Methane (CH4)* 7,863 3,157 - - - 11,020
Dinitrogen oxide (N2O)* 83,485 27,581 - - - 111,066
Waste generations (t) 9,609 1,611 2 632 0 11,854
Emissions to the air (kg)
  Sulfur oxides (SOx) 36,673 681 - - - 37,353
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 209,050 74,968 - - - 284,017
Soot and dust 1,362 0 - - - 1,362

*Methane and dinitrogen oxide are converted and calculated as carbon dioxide

Total for All Plants in Japan

Item (unit) Total
Energy Input (GJ) 7,024,554
Raw Material Input (t) 320,031
Water Resource Use (m3)
  Total 1,494,920
  Service water 1,076,886
Main water source As indicated above
Industrial water 418,034
Main water source As indicated above
Water discharge (m3)
  Total 564,091
  Sewerage 405,788
Ocean 150,293
Rivers 8,010
Lakes -
Water consumption (m3) 930,829
Greenhouse gas emissions (t-CO2)
  Carbon dioxide (CO2) 47,441
Methane (CH4)* 11,076
Dinitrogen oxide (N2O)* 111,073
Waste generations (t) 17,892
Emissions to the air (kg)
  Sulfur oxides (SOx) 38,613
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 285,527
Soot and dust 1,784

*Methane and dinitrogen oxide are converted and calculated as carbon dioxide

Environmental Data of Group Companies Overseas

The Sumitomo Forestry Group reports information about its environmental impact for each plant for overseas manufacturers that have a large influence on the environment.

Overseas Manufacturers 1/2

Item (unit) PT. Rimba Partikel Indonesia (RPI) PT. AST Indonesia (ASTI) PT. Kutai Timber Indonesia (KTI) PT. Sinar Rimba Pasifik (SRP)
Energy Input (GJ) 379,286 29,585 799,847 9,986
Raw Material Input (t) 88,006 17,219 522,306 6,932
Water Resource Use (m3)
  Total 56,484 35,575 433,740 0
  Service water - 570 - -
Industrial water - 35,005 178,964 -
Ground water 56,484 - 254,776 -
Water discharge (m3)
  Total 50,184 14,838 24,582 0
  Sewerage - 14,838 - -
Ocean - - 24,582 -
Rivers 50,184 - - -
Water consumption (m3) 6,300 20,737 409,158 0
Greenhouse gas emissions (t-CO2)
  Carbon dioxide (CO2) 18,251 5,932 45,283 2,039
Methane (CH4)* 480 - 958 -
Dinitrogen oxide (N2O)* 45 - 90 -
Waste generations (t) 18,551 3,320 74,260 1,026

*Methane and dinitrogen oxide are converted and calculated as carbon dioxide

Overseas Manufacturers 2/2

Item (unit) Nelson Pine Industries Ltd. (NPIL) Vina Eco Board Co., Ltd. (VECO) Canyon Creek (CCC) Pan Asia Packing (PAP) Total
Energy Input (GJ) 1,034,608 224,054 36,222 3,865 2,517,453
Raw Material Input (t) 669,149 199,628 5,104 13,550 1,521,894
Water Resource Use (m3)
  Total 294,063 52,442 6,977 2,605 881,886
  Service water 294,063 52,442 3,281 - 350,356
Industrial water - - - - 213,969
Ground water - - 3,696 2,605 317,561
Water discharge (m3)
  Total 248,109 17,206 3,281 2,605 360,805
  Sewerage 248,109 17,206 3,281 2,605 286,039
Ocean - - - - 24,582
Rivers - - - - 50,184
Water consumption (m3) 45,954 35,236 3,696 0 521,081
Greenhouse gas emissions (t-CO2)
  Carbon dioxide (CO2) 13,386 19,282 1,238 355 105,765
Methane (CH4)* 1,220 170 - - 2,828
Dinitrogen oxide (N2O)* 195 16 - - 345
Waste generations (t) 99,991 23,738 2,029 538 223,452

*Methane and dinitrogen oxide are converted and calculated as carbon dioxide

Environmental Accounting Results for Fiscal 2023

Sumitomo Forestry publicizes aggregated data of environmental protection costs and effects and also economic impact of its activities for the purpose of promoting environmentally sound management.

*The basis of calculation includes Sumitomo Forestry on a non-consolidated basis and certain Group companies

Environmental Protection Costs

Cost Category Main Activities Total Cost
(Million yen)
Costs within operational area Global environmental protection costs*1 Sustainable forestry cultivation 610
Environment-related business
(Overseas consulting, REDD+ business, etc.)
Resource recycling costs*2 Promotion of appropriate treatment, reduction, and recycling of industrial waste 7,549
Waste wood chip distribution operations 202
Volume sold of potting mix using recycled sediment from water purification 316
Upstream / Downstream costs*3 Green purchasing 19
Management activity costs*4 Operation and promotion of environmental management activities
(ISO14001 certification, environmental education, LCA surveys, etc.)
Monitoring of environmental impact 1
Disclosure and administration of environmental information
(Sustainability Report, environment-related advertising, environment-related exhibitions, etc.)
R&D costs*5 R&D activities related to environmental protection 1,394
Social contribution costs*6 Management and operation of Mt. Fuji Manabi no Mori 18
Management and operation of Forester House 28
Other social contribution activities 0
Donations to the Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund 2
Total 10,433

*1Global environmental protection costs: Expenditures for preservation and management of Company-owned forests to foster sustainable forestry, and expenditures in Japan and overseas relating to the environmental business

*2Resource recycling costs: Expenditures on waste wood distribution operations and sorting, recycling, appropriate treatment, transportation and management of construction waste, as well as costs incurred in the recycling of potting mix

*3Upstream/Downstream costs: Expenditures for green purchasing

*4Management activity costs: Office expenses and auditing costs relating to maintenance of ISO 14001 certification; expenditures relating to disclosure of environmental information through advertising, environment-related exhibitions and sustainability reports; expenditures relating to lectures on environmental education; and costs for LCA inspections and environmental impact oversight

*5R&D costs: Expenditures for environment-related research conducted at the Tsukuba Research Institute

*6Social contribution costs: Expenditures related to operating the Mt. Fuji Manabi no Mori natural forest restoration project, and maintaining and operating Forester House; expenditures related to other social contribution activities; donations to the Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund; and provision of financial assistance to the Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund commissioned by the Keidanren Nature Conservation Council

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Environmental Benefits

Category Effects Benefits
Benefits from costs within operational area Volume of recycled waste wood from distribution operations (converted into chip equivalents) 593,000m3
Volume sold of potting mix using recycled sediment from water purification 13,000t
Benefits from Upstream/Downstream costs Green procurement ratio 65.50%
Benefits from management activity costs Employees designated as internal environmental auditors 125
Benefits from R&D costs Completed world's first 10-month wood space exposure experiment
Aiming to expand the use of wood and launch a wooden satellite (LignoSat)
Introduction of Taika-Guynar, a fire-resistant plywood
~ Jointly developed with Shin-Etsu Chemical for medium- to large-scale constructions ~
Started R&D of wood biomass chemicals
~ Promoting cascade use with the development of wood component separating technologies ~
Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd. Conducts its own Shake Table Testing of a Full-scale 10-Story Mass-Timber Building in the U.S.
Testing under Japanese earthquake resistance standards, verification of high seismic resistance of post-tensioning seismic technology
Sumitomo Forestry Home Tech proposed insulation renovation work with new AI-powered system
Efficient and effective renovation to improve the performance of existing houses and contribute to a decarbonized society by extending their lifespan
Benefits from social activity costs Volunteers who participated in Mt. Fuji Manabi no Mori project 108
Children participating in the Environmental Education Program at Mt. Fuji Manabi no Mori project 1,173
Visitors to Forester House 2,386
Sustainability Report
2024 Sitemap