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Responsible Advertising/Promotional Efforts
Basic Policy
In keeping with the Sumitomo Forestry Group Code of Conduct, Sumitomo Forestry Group complies with relevant legislation, including the Copyright Act, Trademark Law, Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Law, and the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations. Out of consideration for the perspectives of our diverse stakeholders, we also engage in accurate and appropriate advertising and promotional efforts that do not cause misunderstanding or offense.
Observance of Laws, Standards and Norms
In order to ensure thorough observance of laws, standards and norms, Sumitomo Forestry has a system which the Corporate Communications Department and the Legal Department cooperate to confirm and verify the content of advertisements as required.
Sumitomo Forestry did not violate any laws or regulations related to marketing or advertising in fiscal 2023. Furthermore, Sumitomo Forestry holds every other month meetings of the Brand Communication Committee, comprised of advertising personnel from relevant departments and Group companies in Japan, holding study sessions that include prevention of non-compliance in an effort to raise awareness. Through these efforts, Sumitomo Forestry made certain of prior checks, and endeavored to ensure customers were not misled by unreliable information.
Initiatives to Improve Company-Internal Literacy
In fiscal 2023, the Brand Communication Committee held study sessions on the Copyright Act, Portrait rights, Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, and Unfair Competition Prevention, and Trademarks Act. These training sessions bring understanding about laws related to advertising, labeling, and violations that can easily occur as well as evoke caution in managers and other staff in charge of marketing materials.
A web discussion session is also held once a quarter. Additionally, the Committee created website management guidelines and provided relevant division and Group company website teams in Japan with information and instructions on personal information and information security.

The Brand Communication Committee
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