
Intellectual Property Management

Basic Policy on Intellectual Property Management

The proper protection and use of copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights have a major impact on business competitiveness, while illegal actions such as intellectual property rights infringement is one of major risks in corporate management. The Sumitomo Forestry Group strives to properly manage intellectual property rights, including the protection of intellectual property based on the unique characteristics of each business and proper handling of third-party intellectual property as necessary to sustain and improve competitiveness.

Intellectual Property Management Structure

Sumitomo Forestry established the Intellectual Property Department in the Legal Department as a body to manage intellectual property and it employs a number of patent lawyers as department staff. The Intellectual Property Department provides a wealth of support that includes education to cultivate knowledge and actions about intellectual property in employees, legal consultation about the infringement and being infringed on intellectual property rights, assistance for the execution of various contracts related to intellectual property, and the application and protection of the intellectual property that is created at the Tsukuba Research Institute and business departments for the purpose of improving corporate performance.

Intellectual Property Education

Sumitomo Forestry Group conducts intellectual property classroom training for employees under a systematic program that compiles content appropriate to each department. The purpose is to systematically teach the correct knowledge and fundamental actions for handling intellectual property from the perspectives of compliance and the risk management of intellectual property. In fiscal 2023, we conducted five intellectual property training sessions for persons in charge of research & development, sales planning, advertising and catalog production as well as managers, at the Tsukuba Research Institute, business departments, and affiliates. These sessions were designed to emphasize compliance to prevent violations of the intellectual property rights of others.

We have also established an environment in which all Sumitomo Forestry Group employees can access intellectual property-related classes that place emphasis on aspects of compliance at all times through our e-learning website. This course is a mandatory course that must be taken by each Sumitomo Group employee every year.

Sustainability Report
2024 Sitemap