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Mid-Term Sustainability Targets and Material Issues
Mission TREEING 2030
In February 2022, aiming toward creating a decarbonized society by 2050 and with the 2030 target date for achieving the SDGs in mind, the Sumitomo Forestry Group formulated Mission TREEING 2030 and Mission TREEING 2030 Phase 1. Mission TREEING 2030, our long-term vision, incorporates our ideal vision of the Sumitomo Forestry Group into our long-term business concept, while Mission TREEING 2030 Phase 1 is our Mid-Term Management Plan covering 2022 to 2024. This marked the start of our journey toward new value creation. Mission TREEING 2030 sets out the following four strategies as our business policy: 1. Maximizing the value of forests and the wood to create decarbonization and create a circular bioeconomy; 2. Advancing globalization; 3. Striving for transformation and the creation of new value; and 4. Transforming our business foundation for growth. To achieve this long-term vision, we aim to simultaneously supply value for our planet, value for people and society, and value for the market economy, without compromising on any of these values and by enhancing value in each of these areas.

~ Making our planet safer and more secure for future generations ~
By providing value to our planet, to people and society, and to the market economy, we at Sumitomo Forestry Group will strive to make our planet safer and more secure for current and future generations of people and all living beings. With our long-held strengths in harnessing and expanding the value of forests and wood, we will create change for a new future.
Value for our planet -
Value for people
and society -
Value for the
market economy
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The Sumitomo Forestry Group is developing business activities through the "WOOD CYCLE," a value chain based on wood, from forest management to wood processing and distribution, wooden buildings, and biomass power generation. We aim to contribute to a decarbonized society by turning the "WOOD CYCLE" in other words, by planting and cultivation, increasing the amount of CO₂ absorbed by forests and using the wood in buildings and furniture to store carbon over a long period of time. Through this business as a whole, we will contribute to CO₂ absorption and fixation not only for ourselves but also for society as a whole.

Mid-Term Sustainability Targets
The Sumitomo Forestry Group formulated "Mission TREEING 2030 Phase 1" (2022-2024), the first phase of its long-term vision "Mission TREEING 2030," a three-year Mid-Term Management Plan that provides the groundwork for future growth and contribution to decarbonization. One of the five basic policies is "Further Integration of Business and ESG," and the Group has established "Sustainability Targets as part of Mid-Term Management Plan in fiscal 2024," which incorporates the Group's sustainability strategy and material issues.
(1)Striving for decarbonization through utilization of wood resources
- Develop new businesses that pursue the value of forests as a carbon dioxide sink
- Promote initiatives that enhance the competitiveness of domestic wood
- Expand our medium- and large-scale wooden construction business
(2)Enhancing our revenue base
- Recovery of profitability of our Housing & Construction business and Timber and Building Materials business, and promotion of reforms in anticipation of future market shifts
- Improve resource efficiency
(3)Accelerating globalization
- Expand our Housing and Real Estate Business operations in the United States and Australia and create a revenue base in Asia
(4)Reinforcing our management foundation for sustainable growth
- Promote digitalization
- Secure and nurture human resources and improve engagement with employees
- Reinforce risk management
(5)Further integration of business and ESG
- Steadily implement initiatives to achieve RE100/SBT (Science Based Targets)
"Mid-Term Sustainability Targets in fiscal 2024" is a revision of the specific ESG-related goals in the Mid-Term Management Plan that has been in operation since fiscal 2019, with the goal of better aligning our business and ESG strategies. Under the long-term vision "Mission TREEING 2030", the value created by the Group was organized from the perspectives of providing "Value for our planet", "Value for people and society", and "Value for the market economy", and Nine Material Issues were newly identified. Specific numerical targets have been defined for each business unit in more detail until 2024 in order to realize these Nine Material Issues.
We believe that it will not only meet the expectations of society, including the SDGs, but also lead to an increase in corporate value that cannot be judged only from the economic perspective.
Nine Material Issues and Related SDGs
Theme | Nine Material Issues | Relevant SDGs | |
Value for our planet | 1 | To enhance the value of forests and wood through sustainable forest management |
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2 | To realize carbon neutrality by leveraging forests and wood resources |
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3 | To realize a circular bioeconomy by leveraging forests and wood resources |
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Value for people and society | 4 | To provide comfortable and secure spaces for society at large |
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5 | To improve the livelihood of the local communities where we operate |
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6 | To create a vibrant environment for all workers |
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Value for the market economy | 7 | To create new markets with forests and wood |
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8 | To transform markets through DX and innovation |
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9 | To establish a robust business structure |
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Identification of Material Issues
Following on from 2008, the Sumitomo Forestry Group identified important CSR issues in March 2015. Since then, major changes have occurred around the world, including adoption of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and the conclusion and entry into force of the Paris Agreement, and in Japan, the GPIF (Government Pension Investment Fund) signing of the PRI (United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment) has accelerated the trend toward ESG investment. In response to these trends, the Sumitomo Forestry Group developed its long-term vision "Mission TREEING 2030" in February 2022, which newly identified Nine Material Issues. In addition to analyzing geopolitical changes, technological innovations such as digitalization, and changes in the stakeholder preferences such as employees and customers' choices, we've also used Sumitomo Forestry Group's strengths, which have grown significantly through M&A and capital and business alliances, to identify areas where the Group can make a unique contribution, not just to sustainability, but also as Material issues of the Group's overall business.
Identification Method of Material Issues
In order to formulate our mission, we conducted a questionnaire survey of all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, shareholders and investors, outside experts, and employees, and received responses from approximately 6,000 people. Based on external changes (Megatrends), we identified matters that would impact on the Sumitomo Forestry Group and set 35 issues while classifying into 5 categories of "Environmental Issues (Climate change)," "Environmental Issues (Resources and Biodiversity)," "Social Issues," "Governance," and "Economic Issues" and let respondents select what they think was important. Individual interviews with young employees and management-level personnel were also conducted.
We narrowed down the material issues for the Sumitomo Forestry Group based on the results of these questionnaires and interviews. Furthermore, we incorporated management's opinions and performed materiality assessments in consideration of risks and opportunities through a series of discussion among management ranks. Finally, we selected the Nine Material Issues from three perspectives: "Value for our planet," "Value for people and society" and "Value for the market economy."
Management of Mid-Term Sustainability Targets
We have set numerical targets for Mid-Term Sustainability Target of the Mid-Term Management Plan based on our contribution to the SDGs and the Nine Material Issues that are directly linked to our business.
Each group company and department has set "Sustainability Budget" with numerical targets set for the fiscal year and engaging in initiatives to achieving these goals.
The Sumitomo Forestry Group fully implements a PDCA cycle for progress and achievements of each target at the Sustainability Committee convened two times a year in addition to providing reports to the Board of Directors.
- Material Issues 1 : To enhance the value of forests and wood through sustainable forest management
- Material Issues 2: To realize carbon neutrality by leveraging forests and wood resources
- Material Issues 3: To realize a circular bioeconomy by leveraging forests and wood resources
- Material Issues 4: To provide comfortable and secure spaces for society at large
- Material Issues 5: To improve the livelihood of the local communities where we operate
- Material Issues 6: To create a vibrant environment for all workers
- Material Issues 7: To create new markets with forests and wood
- Material Issues 8: To transform markets through DX and innovation
- Material Issues 9: To establish a robust business structure

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- Sumitomo Forestry Group's Sustainability Management
- Mid-Term Sustainability Targets and Material Issues