Sumitomo Forestry Group's Sustainability Management

Sumitomo Forestry Group Mid-term Sustainability Targets Achievements in 2021

Material Issue 1: Ongoing Timber and Materials Procurement that Considers Sustainability and Biodiversity

Material Issue 1: Ongoing Timber and Materials Procurement that Considers Sustainability and Biodiversity

Sumitomo Forestry conducts periodic reviews to confirm sustainability at all procurement suppliers for timber and wood products directly imported from overseas. We reviewed our suppliers in fiscal 2021, and by the end of December, we had completed the transition to sustainable timber and wood products. However, "Percentage of sustainable timber and wood products handled" for the entire year includes volume handled prior to the transition, resulting in 97.8%, compared to the planned 100%.

In addition, the sustainability procurement survey implementation rate in the supply chain of the domestic housing department which was set as a new target in fiscal 2019, was 98% out of the amount of material purchases from suppliers. In order to build a sustainable supply chain, we will continue to provide feedback to our suppliers and improve them through communication.

Impact on Society and the Environment

Targets of Material Issue 1 Impact (Influence)
1.Management forests while mitigating climate change and protecting biodiversity
  • Contributing to climate change measures through CO2 fixation
  • Contributing to the protection of rare species and other conservation of biodiversity
  • Contributing to forest industry and regional revitalization by heightening forest sustainability
2.Expanding the utilization of sustainable forest resources
  • Securing seedlings for replanting and promoting circular use of forest resources from cutting to replanting
  • Contributing to greater biomass power generation (renewable energy supply) in Japan
  • Heightening regional resilience
  • Contributing to forest industry and regional revitalization by utilizing domestic timber
  • Enhancing standardization, awareness, and added value of sustainable timber and products as well as certified timber
3.Building sustainable supply chains
  • Improving the sustainability of timber products imported from overseas and domestic housing materials (Resolve the environmental and human rights issues/ Coexisting and co-prospering with society)

Management Forests While Mitigating Climate Change and Protecting Biodiversity

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Maintain and expand the area of certified forests Domestic and overseas certified forest area (ha) Environment and Resources Division 221,467 221,971 242,493
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Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Expand the volume of chip and pellet fuel used Amount of biofuel material used (such as wood chips and pellets) (t)*1 Environment and Resources Division
Timber and Building Materials Division
1,363,930 1,863,870 1,461,890

*1 Includes Japan Bio Energy Co., Ltd., Okhotsk Bio Energy Co. Ltd., Michinoku Bio Energy Co., Ltd., and the Sumitomo Forestry Timber and Building Materials Business

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Increase quantity of sustainable timber and timber products handled and used Percentage of sustainable timber and timber products handled (%) Timber and Building Materials Division 100 97.8 -
Percentage of sustainable timber used as primary building material (%) Housing and Construction Division 100 100 100

Building Sustainable Supply Chains

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Update the Sustainability procurement survey form and formulate survey plan Sustainability procurement survey implementation rate*1 in the supply chain of the domestic housing department (%) Housing and Construction Division 80 98 97
Sustainability procurement survey implementation rate*2 of suppliers of imported timber (%) Timber and Building Materials Division 100 100 100

*1 Surveys target suppliers that we worked with in the previous fiscal year, and the implementation rate is calculated as a rate made up of the purchasing amount of the previous fiscal year for each company subject to the survey

*2 Rate accounts for the number of suppliers implementing sustainability surveys versus the number of suppliers encompassed in the Timber Procurement Committee timber procurement due diligence for the fiscal year indicated

Material Issue 2: The Development and Sale of Reliable and Safe Products and Services that Consider the Environment and Society

Material Issue 2: The Development and Sale of Reliable and Safe Products and Services that Consider the Environment and Society

In fiscal 2021, the percentage of ZEH orders for new custom-built detached houses increased to 67.4% compared to 38% in fiscal 2018 but fell short of the planned 80.0%. Despite the fact that the target was not reached in fiscal 2021, the indicator was incorporated into employee performance evaluations, and information was shared at meetings to raise employee awareness, resulting in a 15.3% increase over the previous fiscal year. We will continue our initiatives to promote ZEH penetration rate, with a goal of 80.0% for December 31, 2024, the final fiscal year of the Mid-term Sustainability Targets.

Due to stable operation of the Mombetsu Biomass Power Plant and the Kanda Biomass Power Plant starting operation in June 2021, "Amount of Electricity Supplied by the Renewable Energy Business*" was 335,310 households (1.046,167 MWh), despite falling short of the plan (373,826 households in December of fiscal 2021). In the Mid-term Management Plan (2022-2024), we will change the unit of measurement from household equivalents to electricity supply (MWh), with the goal of supplying electricity of 856,022 MWh in fiscal 2024.

* The calculation method for equity-method affiliated companies will be revised to supply volume in accordance with the equity ratio from fiscal 2022

Impact on Society and the Environment

Targets of Material Issue 2 Impact (Influence)
1.Increasing environmentally conscious products and services
* Including reducing greenhouse gas emissions towards creating a decarbonized society (SBT: Scope 3)
  • Reducing energy consumption (greenhouse gas emissions) throughout all of society by reducing the housing related energy use, which has the majority of energy use/ time spent in daily life.
  • Heightening environmental awareness of consumers (residents)
2.Creating an environment that considers biodiversity
  • Conserving and expanding biodiversity endogenous to each region
  • Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
3.Expanding businesses that contribute to resolving social issues
  • Solving social issues by expanding businesses
4.Promoting sustainable and innovative technological development
  • Building a sustainable society by providing sustainable architecture
  • Expanding the potential of wood construction and encouraging further use of timber as a sustainable resource. This will ultimately help promote sustainable forest use.

Increasing Environmentally Conscious Products and Services

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Promote standards for energy generation and conservation housing Percentage of orders for ZEH type houses out of new custom-built detached housings (%) Housing and Construction Division 80.0 67.4 75
Rate of environmentally-friendly renovation order rate (%) Housing and Construction Division 60 58.9 × 70
Sales of sash, glass wool and solar power generation systems (unit: million yen) Timber and Building Materials Division 24,040 22,987 -
Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Increase value added by carbon stock from use of timber Carbon stock in wooden architecture in Japan (t-CO2) Housing and Construction Division 199,509 192,194 -
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Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Propose products utilizing seedlings and natural cycle Rate of orders for environmentally-friendly products of the Environmental Landscaping Business*1(%) Housing and Construction Division 63.0 58.9 60

*1 Environmentally-friendly products consist of the following: (1) local seedlings, (2) permeable paving material, (3) green wall construction, (4) rooftop greening, (5) biotope and (6) use of recycled materials

Creating an Environment that Considers Biodiversity

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Expanding sales of native species Sales of native species logs (unit: trees) Housing and Construction Division 500,000 465,000 450,000
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Expanding Businesses that Contribute to Resolving Social Issues

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Number of rooms added through new facilities construction Number of rooms at private-pay elderly care facilities (rooms) Lifestyle Service Division 2,014 1,764 × 1,764
Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022*3
target result value target
Expand renewable energy business Amount of electricity supplied by renewable energy business (converted to number of households supplied)*1 *2 Environment and Resources Division 373,826 335,310 240,740

*1 Power plants included in the count for renewable energy projects are Mombetsu Biomass Power Plant, Hachinohe Biomass Power Plant, Kawasaki Biomass Power Plant, Tomakomai Biomass Power Plant, Kanda Biomass Energy, and Kashima Solar Power Plant.

*2 The number of households (with an annual electricity use of 3,120kWh per household) to which electricity could be supplied, based on the amount of electricity supplied annually by the renewable energy business.

*3 Figures in fiscal 2022 plan are based on number of households in terms of the amount of electricity supplied according to investment ratio

Promoting Sustainable and Innovative Technological Development

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Solve technical issues toward achieving W350 Project The current state of progress in W350 Project development Tsukuba Research Institute Materials development and basic design formulation toward achievement of W70 Completion of examining additional study items in the basic plan -

Material Issue 3: The Reduction of the Environmental Impact of Our Business Activities

Material Issue 3: The Reduction of the Environmental Impact of Our Business Activities

With respect to Greenhouse Gases Emissions, we were able to reduce emissions to 370,772t-CO₂e in fiscal 2021, compared to the planned 402,768t-CO₂e.This was mostly owing to the coal co-firing ratio being reduced at Mombetsu Biomass Power Plant, as well as the suspension of operations at several overseas industrial plants due to impact of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In the Mid-term Business Plan (2022-2024), we aim to achieve 301,290t-CO₂e in the final fiscal year ending December 31, 2024 (Down 18.5% from March 2018) by further reducing ratio of coal co-firing at the Mombetsu Biomass Power Plant and promoting renewable energy for electricity consumption in order to achieve RE100.

At new construction sites, the recycling rate of industrial waste was 95.1%, falling short of the planned 98.0%. We were unable to meet our target value despite our initiatives to reduce industrial waste emissions and increase recycling rates by converting to pre-cutting of Lattice Panels and slates.In the Mid-term Management Plan (2022-2024), we aim to achieve 98.0% in the final fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, by reducing ratio of mixed waste in conjunction with thorough separation of waste at each site.

Impact on Society and the Environment

Targets of Material Issue 3 Impact (Influence)
1.Reducing greenhouse gas emissions toward creating a decarbonized society (SBT: Scope 1 & 2)
  • Contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact and solutions to climate change by achieving SBT and RE100
2.Protecting resources, reducing the generation of waste and achieving zero emissions
  • Protecting resources and reducing the environmental impact by advocating for recycling and zero emissions
3.Conserving and effectively utilizing water resources
  • Solutions to water issues
  • Improving environmental awareness of consumer

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Toward Creating a Decarbonized Society (SBT: Scope 1 & 2)

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Greenhouse gas emissions (t-CO2e)*
Percentage change from fiscal 2017
Each department 402,768 370,772 354,368
+8.9% +0.3% ▲4.2%
Carbon efficiency
(t-CO2e/million yen)
Sustainability Department 0.318 0.268 -

Protecting Resources, Reducing the Generation of Waste and Achieving Zero Emissions

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Promotion of industrial waste separation Recycling rate at new housing construction sites (%)*1 Housing and Construction Division 98.0 95.1 × 96.0
Recycling rate at housing demolition sites (%)*2
(as of start of demolition work on main structure)
98.0 94.6 - 100.0
Recycling rate at the work sites of the renovation business unit*3 (%) 84.0 79.7 84.5
Recycling rate at the work sites of the power generation business unit Environment and Resources Division 56.5 99.3 98.0
Recycling rate at overseas manufacturing plants (%) Timber and Building Materials Division 98.0 98.5 99.0
Recycling rate at domestic manufacturing plants (%) Timber and Building Materials Division 99.5 99.1 × 99.0
Housing and Construction Division
Environment and Resources Division
Recycling rate of Lifestyle Service Business, etc.*4 (%) Lifestyle Services Division, etc. 98.0 80.6 × 84.0

*1 Includes new housing construction sites of the Housing and Construction Division, Sumitomo Forestry Landscaping, as well as Sumitomo Forestry Home Engineering.

*2 Includes construction materials specified under the Construction Material Recycling Law (concrete, asphalt-concrete, and wood waste)

*3 Includes Sumitomo Forestry Home Tech renovation sites but excludes hard-to-recycle debris and asbestos

*4 Includes emissions associated with Lifestyle Service Business, housing-related materials sales, and other operational locations.

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Waste reduction
Promote zero-emissions
Industrial waste final disposal amount (t)
(Compared to 2017 Percentage Change)*
Sustainability Department 54,087 21,050 36,493
(▲15.0%) (▲66.9%) (▲42.6%)
Total industrial waste generated (waste generated per detached house) (kg/structure) Housing and Construction Division 2,730 2,835 2,709
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Conserving and Effectively Utilizing Water Resources

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Proper management of water resources Water use volume (unit: 1,000m3)* Sustainability Department 3,011以内 2,858 2,739以内
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Material Issue 4: A Vibrant Work Environment Where a Diverse Workforce can Unharness their Skills and Individuality

Material Issue 4: A Vibrant Work Environment Where a Diverse Workforce can Unharness their Skills and Individuality

Due to requests from national and local governments to refrain from going out amid the reaction to the novel coronavirus infection, Sumitomo Forestry employees took an average of 12.3 days of paid leave in fiscal 2021, up slightly from 11.6 days in the previous fiscal year. Similar results were obtained at affiliated companies.

Sumitomo Forestry was able to cut overtime work down 33.3% compared to the planned 32.0% in fiscal 2013.Similar reductions were achieved at affiliated companies. We will continue to improve the number of paid holidays taken and reduce overtime work by introducing telework and promoting flexible and efficient ways of working through the flextime system.

Despite our goal of zero occupational accidents, they occurred in each of our business areas in fiscal 2021. In particular, heat stroke and accidents involving crashes and falls have surged at new construction sites in Japan, resulting in 24 occurrences of serious occupational accidents lasting four days or longer. In addition, there were 9 accidents involving forklifts and other equipment at overseas manufacturing companies.

A total of 37 employees attended the ISO 45001 internal auditor training course, 51 employees attended the ISO 9001 internal auditor training course, both held by the Quality Control and Worker Safety Management Department which was newly founded in April 2020, and all participants were certified as internal auditors. Sumitomo Forestry Group will continue to improve its initiatives to attain zero occupational accidents by managing Group-wide occupational accident cases, strengthening safety education in each division and affiliated company, and offering horizontal support, etc.

Impact on Society and the Environment

Targets of Material Issue 4 Impact (Influence)
1.Creating a work environment that generates diverse ideas, job satisfaction and vibrancy
  • Eliminating gender discrimination in Japan, a nation facing the worst gender discrimination of developed countries
  • Enhancing corporate and social sustainability through innovation realized from diverse ideas
2.Securing human resources by training younger workers and utilizing older ones
  • Securing better human resources as society at large faces an aging population with a falling birth rate and a declining workforce
  • Enhancing corporate value by improving work productivity
  • Realizing a diverse society
3.Reducing long work hours through work style reforms
  • Securing better human resources as society at large faces an aging population with a falling birth rate and a declining workforce
  • Enhancing corporate value by improving work productivity
  • Realizing a diverse society
4.Eliminating occupational injuries
  • Ensuring employee health by building a safe, secure workplace (higher satisfaction)

Creating a Work Environment that Generates Diverse Ideas, Job Satisfaction and Vibrancy

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Promotion of women's participation and advancement in the workplace Percentage of female employees in management positions (%) Sumitomo Forestry Personnel Department 5.5 5.6*1 -
Consolidated in Japan Personnel Department 7.3 8.4 -
Improve employee satisfaction Employee satisfaction level (%) Sumitomo Forestry Personnel Department 85.0 78.2 × 80.0
Change in employee satisfaction level compared to base year (%)*2 Consolidated in Japan Personnel Department Compared to
Fiscal 2019
Compared to
Fiscal 2019
× 67.0

*1 Calculated based on enrolment as of December 31

*2 Employee satisfaction rate for the plan in FY2022 (%)

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Securing Human Resources by Training Younger Workers and Utilizing Older Ones

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Develop human resources from a long-term perspective according to the revision of the evaluation system (April 2019) and evaluator training Three-year turnover rate among newly hired graduates (%) Sumitomo Forestry Personnel Department 15.0 16.7 17.0
Consolidated in Japan Personnel Department 12.9 25.2 × 24.2
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Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Enhance training programs Training cost per employee (unit: 1,000 yen) Sumitomo Forestry Personnel Department 132 77 × 125
Consolidated in Japan Personnel Department 66 29 57
Total number of training participants (persons) Sumitomo Forestry Personnel Department 13,000 12,694 14,600
Consolidated in Japan Personnel Department 16,176 28,596 26,890
Training time per employee (hours) Sumitomo Forestry Personnel Department 15.5 13 × 16.0
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Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Implement year-initial interviews prior to full-term retiremen Employment rate of people over 60 years old (including re-employment) (%) Sumitomo Forestry Personnel Department 87.0 93.3 95.0
Consolidated in Japan Personnel Department 78.0 87.7 87.5
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Reducing Long Work Hours through Work Style Reforms

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Guidance for improvement to departments with low rates of paid-leave use Average paid leaves taken by employees (days)* Sumitomo Forestry Personnel Department 14.0 12.3 70.0%
Consolidated in Japan Personnel Department 11.3 11.2 61.6%

* The utilization rate of employee paid leave in FY 2022 (%)

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Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Expand departments using flextime and internal mock inspections Average overtime working hour reduction rate compared to fiscal 2013 (%)* Sumitomo Forestry Personnel Department ▲32.0 ▲33.3 ▲16.0
Average overtime working hour reduction rate compared to fiscal 2017 (%) Consolidated in Japan Personnel Department ▲11.3 ▲18.8 ▲10.0

* Overtime working hour reduction rate compared to FY2017 for the plan in FY2022 (%)

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Eliminating Occupational Injuries

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Implement reciprocal safety audits and manufacturing department safety audits

Share case studies and implement risk assessments
Number of serious occupational injuries (incidents)
(four or more days of lost worktime)
Manufacturing sites occurring inside and outside of Japan
(contractors and subcontractors)*1
Timber and Building Materials Division 0 8 0
Plantation sites occurring inside and outside of Japan
Environment and Resources Division 0 17 × 0
New housing construction sites in Japan (contractors)*2 Housing and Construction Division 0 24 × 0
New housing construction sites outside Japan
Overseas Housing and Real Estate Division 0 9 × 0
Number of occupational injuries (incidents)
(requiring one to three days of lost worktime)
New housing construction sites in Japan
Housing and Construction Division 0 13 18

*1 Overseas manufacturing sites consist of six consolidated group companies: Nelson Pine Industries (NPIL), PT. Kutai Timber Indonesia (KTI), PT. AST Indonesia, PT. Sinar Rimba Pasifik (SRP), Canyon Creek Cabinet (CCC), and Vina Eco Board (VECO).

*2 Includes sole proprietorships

Material Issue 5: Corporate Ethics and Governance Structures

Material Issue 5: Corporate Ethics and Governance Structures

Sumitomo Forestry obtained resilience certification on its own in July 2021.

TCFD scenario analysis has been conducted in the businesses of the Housing and Construction and Timber and Building Materials, and in fiscal 2021, also conducted in the businesses of Overseas Housing and Real Estate, and Environment and Resources.

Impact on Society and the Environment

Targets of Material Issue 5 Impact (Influence)
Reinforcing risk crisis and compliance structures
  • Enhancing corporate value (especially for shareholders)
  • Consistently supplying products and supporting the businesses of our suppliers by quickly recovering business in times of emergency

Reinforcing Risk Crisis and Compliance Structures

Ratings in the table below
Achieved: ◯ Not achieved but improved from previous year: △ Not achieved and declined compared to previous year: ✕

Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Progress check of prioritized risk items set by the Risk Management Committee and share materialized risks Progress management for prioritized risks (conducted on a quarterly basis by the Risk Management Committee) (%) General Administration Department 100 100 100
Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Understand the extent of compliance awareness and enhance channels for reporting misconduct and compliance violations Regular implementation and phased deployment of compliance awareness surveys General Administration Department Not applicable as the initiative is implemented every other year - - Sumitomo Forestry and some domestic group companies
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Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Obtain external certification for Business Continuity Management (BCM) Obtaining resilience certification General Administration Department Major group companies in Japan Sumitomo Forestry
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Specific steps based on issues and strategies Indicators for Evaluation Managing department FY2021 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022
target result value target
Analyze and disclose potential financial impact from climate-related risks that could (potentially) have on the organization Conduct scenario analysis and disclosure consistent with guidance from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Sustainability Department Completion of re-examination of analysis results for all business departments, and incorporation into the subsequent mid-term plan. Proven in two divisions, Housing and Construction Business and Timber and Building Materials Business. Already incorporated into the subsequent mid-term plan Already incorporated into the subsequent mid-term plan
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